January and February in Summation

I've been severely slacking in the updates department, so here is one giant post about what I've been up to for the past 2 months in which I failed to post anything.. A lot can happen in two months. I feel comfortable, like I've lived here for longer, but time seems to pass so quickly. I can't believe I've been gone from home for so long.

January was great. At first it was strange getting used to a new place, not knowing a single person. But I ended up meeting some really great people. First I met some girls who had been here for a semester already, so they showed me the ropes and we had some great times before they had to return home.

In January I visited Copenhagen, Kronborg Slot (Hamlet Castle), and the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. It was very cold all month, but still warmer than Canada.

Louisiana is a really cool place, most of the walls are windows, allowing in all sorts of natural light, on a nice day like we had it was gorgeous, also because the scenery is really lovely. It's right near the ocean, and there is an outdoor sculpture garden as well. 

Overall it was a good month, I finally started to get used to the idea that I live here. Towards the end of January all of the other students staying this semester started to arrive, and I took part in a course which helped us get to know each other better. It was incredibly awkward at first (in my opinion), but eventually we started to get more comfortable. The course included lots of eating, food-oriented business, talking, failing at learning some danish, and tours of Roskilde and Copenhagen.


February has been quite an adventure, it was as if it was over as soon as it began, perhaps it's due to the fact that it only last 28 days, or maybe it's the constant activities.

In February we've seen the start of classes, eating, trips to Copenhagen, eating, the start of semester parties, eating, the costume parties, parties just because, and parties that weren't meant to be parties but turned into parties anyways.

It's been a ton of fun, but I can say without doubt that now, I am tired. But I've made the nicest friends and I'm so glad to have met them. Only on exchange would you meet such an interesting bunch of people.

I'm looking forward to the months I have left on this trip, and also I am looking very much forward to the end of March, but I don't want to rush my time. But over Easter holidays we will be taking a eurotrip to Hamburg/Cologne/Amsterdam/Brussels and maybe even Paris. I'm practically exploding with excitement, considering that I've never been to Europe before this year, and I want to see as much as I can.

Love from Denmark

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