Photoblog // Verano and Staying

I suppose it has become rather evident that no, I didn't come back to Canada as planned. As I've said previously, to hell with the "plan". I'm not saying flounder about life without a goal or purpose, but I'm trying to avoid living my life around some predetermined plan. I mean, I'm no authority on this, but that's what I'm doing, and I must say, it's doing me well. I'm satisfied. Life is good, more good than not. After so much uncertainty in the previous half of the year, the spot I've managed to wrangle myself into is quite alright.

It's funny though, life. For example, when you think you want something so much, and you're told "no, you can't have that." You're utterly disappointed and a bit lost because that was your 'surefire' plan of action. What do you do next? Figure out something else.
Months and months later, "Oh ok, things changed, you can have it now."
By this point, of course you've already come up with some other course of action. "Everything happens for a reason" (with dramatic air quotes) but to be honest, the old saying is ringing quite true. Life goes on, plans change, wants change.

Funny. Things tend to work that way, don't they. This is why the 'plan' is unreliable and a bit ridiculous. Especially when you don't know what you want in the first place and you're half-guessing your way into things.

Well that's that.

Life as of late:

I moved into a flat with my friend Amber, way back in the end of June. Through a friend-of-a-friend sort of connection, and it worked out quite well. We've finally made the flat into somewhere that feels like home, and after a long day at work, out in the centre, or on a weekend trip, I feel like I'm coming home. It's a good feeling. Things are coming along, moving, moving, I'm happy.

What else, well, the summer has been full of meeting people, being a strange person with Amber, attending various street parties in Spain, practicing my Spanish, taking small trips to various beautiful Spanish beaches, and working when I'm not doing the previously mentioned things. I also got to see my lovely friend Kim and her friend Chelsea in Barcelona, since they're now living there. It was great but so strange to be back with Canadians! But I have a whole thing about that trip as well (to write later).


Eff x

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