Coco, Coco Bello // Sicily

At the end of my adventure came another, a mini reunion with the lovely people of kitchen 2B in sunny Sicily. Like I've said before, its funny how things just pick up where they left off. I feel super fortunate to have had an exchange experience where I've met a group of people so different from one another, but together create an amazing dynamic. I think there's another reunion in the future, and hopefully even more of us can make it.

After a long flight, I finally made it to Catania, and met up with Alain and Noemi, the others already at or on route to Noemi's flat. We waited for Manu to arrive, and headed to meet up with the others. Not long after we headed to Monte Etna to see the sights and climb up a bit. Again a theme of bad packing and dying while climbing tall things prevails. But, it was beautiful, and all the rocks in my shoes were worth it.

lovely photo via Manu the sass master

After the volcano, we drove back to Catania... encountering some car issues along the way and separating for a while, but eventually we all made it.

While we waited for the others, we showered off the volcano dirt and set out to get some much needed dinner. Aggela, Christian and I wandered the centre looking for food, and ended up getting led by an Italian man to a restaurant which turned out to be actually delicious, even though dinner lasted for about 2 or 3 hours. I ate some seafood linguine and I would say it was probably one of the best things I've eaten in a long time (sorry mam, can't beat fresh seafood).

After the others met up with us, we went to a beach bar in Catania for some dancing and drinks.

After sleeping for about 1.5 hours, we woke up and half of us took a bus (2 busses) to San Vito Lo Capo. Arriving first with little sleep, one of us (Alain) fell asleep meanwhile Aggela, Manu and I went to the beach for a little swim (it was glorious).

The others arrived later, and we made some pasta for dinner (every night, let's be honest). It was really nice to finally all be together (except for Noemi missing still, and the others that couldn't make it this year).

We stayed at a camping site ("glamping" site because it was camping in style) called La Pineta, it was actually really lovely and the bungalows were clean and the view was spectacular. Every morning waking up looking a the cliffs, and watching it turn red and orange when the sun set.

We had a lot of fun in the sun, going to the beach everyday, and some nights. We played charades on the beach, which was hilarious and sandy. We ate goooood food, drank (not always the best) wine, played a game that Aggela taught us, and it was a hilarious 3 hours of shenanigans.

On one of the days we rented two boats, and toured a bit of the coast, finding secluded swimming spots. The sea was actually amazing, some of the clearest waters I've swam in and warm too. We took some goofy GoPro pictures, and attempted some underwater ones (mild success ;p) 

Seeing these crazy people everyday, having crazy in depth talks about politics, economy, life, whatever came to mind, made me realize how much I missed them all so much, and also how it sucks to leave them again. The one thing for sure though, that we can all be thankful for is that we will do this again, we must!
It's so nice to have friends from everywhere, we are all so different but somehow our circumstances have brought us together, found common ground, and now are all a part of a fun, adventurous group (FOR ALL TIME). (kidding) (but really). (creepy?). 

I have a passion for parentheses I think. 

Anyways, Sicily was amazing, our friends are amazing, and we missed all of those that couldn't join us this time, but we thought of you all <3. 

After all the fun, we stayed up all night, and a taxi picked us up and we headed to Palermo to fly back to wherever it is we all came from, sadly. 

Somehow Aggela and I ended up on the same flight to Rome, and it was deja vu to last year when I flew back to Greece with her after school had finished. Coincidencesssss. 

After 3 flights, sleeping everywhere I sat down, and being mopey, I wound up in Toronto, this area I call home. It was weird, and then jet lag got the best of me and I died in my bed for a bit. 

I MISS YOU ALL. I had a great 18 days in Europe because I've got lovely friends in all sorts of places. 

Until next time... 


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