And it goes // On 2014 and leaving (again)

My my, how time flies, and yet simultaneously does not fly at all. It's kind of strange how it feels like 2014 just started, but then I actually think and it seems so far away. Last January I was still in school, finishing up our thesis project, getting ready to put on the big ol' META 2014. This year I learned a lot about myself, with some lessons not learned so easily. I got to travel, see some of my favourite people in concert, travel some more, spend a lot of time with my friends & fam (since I moved home), I feel like I've become so much more... fulfilled (is this corny enough yet?). I mean it sincerely though, there was a period there after graduation I was sort of floundering like "aaahh, okay what now?" 2014 for me was really a lot of tying up loose ends, finishing things, figuring what I do and definitely do not want in my life. It's kinda laughable how a date on a calendar makes us all introspective and as if the transition from December 31st to January 1st somehow gives us a "clean slate", and wipes the last year's mishaps away. In my opinion, sure, we can all use an excuse in that way, but we don't really need a "new year" to change something or move on. Anyways, 2014 was great, awful at times, exciting, and interesting. I can only hope that the next 12 months (and continuously, please) are just as fabulous. Everything that's up in the air right now, pestering me with it's uncertainty, will land, exactly where it should, one way or another.

Big love to all of my friends, old and new, far and wide. Love you Coven girls (+jonny), the "girls", kitchen 2B crew, and all the other crazy people I hang with. Thank you for pushing me when I needed it, letting me make hard choices, and holding my hand sometimes, and standing through my side through the good and bad ;) I am super thankful to have you all in my life at the end of this year, and into the next one, wouldn't trade y'all for the world! & thank you to the new friends who came into my life this year, you're all awesome too, stick around.

 On another note:

Timing is a funny thing. Not funny 'haha' per-se but.. odd. Opportunities present themselves all the time, of course, but it seems like they pop up all at once. As if when you think you've made a choice, another, or many other things show up knocking at your door (sometimes not politely). I guess it takes knowing your commitment and judgement that you're making the 'most right' choice, and stick with what you've sorted. Right? But what about when it's not exactly that simple? Making choices when you're directionless is kinda tricky that way. Wants versus needs, dreams versus reality. I am an advocate for following your heart and also for following through... so what happens when those things don't come up with the totally same path? What happens when you want to do 'everything' well... I say it enough... "you can't have everything" ... can you? Now, if you're reading this don't expect an answer, because I really don't know. Play it by ear. 

How do you live life on two different continents? I'm trying to figure that one out. Science, can you help? It's like living a double life or something, everything is split up and scattered. I think a lot of my confusion has to do with being young and all that, I'm being pulled in a lot of directions and they all seem like good options, and now I'm putting a bunch of things on hold to do other things and well, damn, I just hope it works out the way it all should. Leaving is hard, coming back is hard, being away is hard, but that's life. Things that are worth it are rarely easy, at least that's what I've heard.

Anyways, in a brief picture summary... I'm remembering all the kick ass parts of 2014.

Started off the New year with good friends, and then shortly after went to NYC with some babes...

Honestly this was a hilarious trip and these people make me laugh so much

It snowed way too damn much.

Had lots of meetings and finally saw the product of it in March.

Went to NYC again, this time to see gaga.  

Snapchatted way too much, and in too many elevators at that.

Highschool dreams were fulfilled with some cool chicks

Wore a lot of black with some hot people, on the regular

Got to see MØ, not once, but twice <3 with my dear sister Lauren

Graduated with some awesome people

Looked really trailer style and spent a good few weekends up at the "beach house" :)

Generally had an awesome summer with people I love lots, and had a lot of smiles, made an effort to be outside as much as possible, and then took off on a mini adventure, which sparked the next adventure...

Started off in Munich, Germany - saw lovely Erica again :)

 Moved onto Valencia and Oropesa with Itsaso, Edurne, Axi and Luna (you sneaks)

Took off to Catania, Sicily with some of the 2B crew <3 And immediately climbed a damn volcano
(it was worth it, obviously)

Took two busses across the island to go to San Vito lo Capo and spend a week in the sunshine

I was home for about a week, and then took off to Calgary, where it had just SNOWED. My cousin got married, and I got to see some other cousins I hadn't seen in sooo long!

I then proceeded to hit year number 23, had about 4 different celebrations for my birth ;p and yes, I am too lazy to crop these photos. 

Had some fun times in between with halloween and general shenanigans in between working FAR too much. And the next thing you know, it's christmas, and then it's new years and damn, here we are. 

Brought in the new years with some other babes! <3 

xxxxx thanks for reading

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