The Sun Has a Name, it is Lorenzo // Valencia and Oropesa

This is not a love story (maybe a little bit), but not about a Lorenzo, unless of course we are speaking about the sun, in which case, it is a love story.

I woke up this morning in a bit of a funk, missing people and places and thinking too much about what to do in the future, etc. (life). ((mentally throwing hands up in the air)). But then I skyped with dear Luna alllll the way in Madrid and I am thankful for the internet (skype, whatsapp, etc). I don't like to complain about the internet because it's so amazing to be able to see and talk to people so far away whenever you want to. Anyways, Spain.. I'm coming back for you one day soon.

Valencia was beautiful, a nice city with a rich culture, old buildings, orange trees, lovely to look at and hot, but near the sea.

I met up with Itsaso, Edurne and Axi at the train station. We left our luggage and went for a coffee and a short walk before we caught the train to Oropesa (where we were actually staying).

I found throughout my whole trip how easy it is to slip right back into a groove, like we just left each other the previous week and are meeting up days later, I love that.

After the walk we made our way to the train, it was only about 1 and a half hours to get to Oropesa. We got settled and went out for tapas with Itsaso's friend Paola. Everything was delicious of course, and tinto de verano is the way to drink red wine in the summer.

The next day we went to the beach, of course, and went for a nice walk in the evening.

The rest of the week was spent mostly at the pool or the beach, enjoying the summer sun, talking and catching up with each other. Except for one tiny surprise by the name of Luna. You little sneaks fooled me so hard! I had no idea. The story:

Luna wasn't able to come stay in Valencia with us. Itsaso needed ketchup for nuggets. She really needed it. Went to borrow it from Paola across the street. Took 45 minutes (?!)

Edurne: Wow she's really taking a long time..
Me: Yeah, I thought she just needed ketchup?
E: Maybe she is making it herself..
Me: Stomping the tomatoes herself
.......and a rain storm ensues.....

So I get in the shower, and when I got out there was a sneaky Spanish girl hiding in my room!

Seriously I was surprised. You guys are the best ;)

Itsaso's head was re-shaved, agua de valencia was made (appropriately) and we went out later that night, lots of dancing and laughing.

Then on the last night we went for a night walk, got some small souvenirs, gelato, matching bracelets because we're cute and the next morning we left for Valencia with my luggage and explored some more of the city, stopped for coffee, climbed a really tall tower (I nearly died) and then had a quick dinner, and finally had our goodbyes.

So after a sad goodbye to the group, I waited at the bus station until 1 in the morning, and took a bus to Madrid, and then waited to fly to Palma de Mallorca, and then finally to Catania in Sicily. The above photo is me after about 34 hours no sleep, the rest is best undocumented (mostly because I passed out in both airplanes and even on a tiny couch in a starbucks at Palma).

Anyways, Spain was beautiful as always, and the company even better. It's never easy to say goodbye, but I know we will see each other again soon.


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