A Very Disco Christmas

It's over before you know it. I was totally not ready for Christmas this year. It came out of no where.
The weekend was great, very full of excitement, and way too much food. It was really nice to be together with the fam and take a break from the city for a while.

We found this really random CD of christmas carols that were all disco versions. 

On Christmas morning, I made my traditional belgian waffles. So good.

On Boxing day, I chose to sleep and not go to the insane malls. I went up to Cambridge to see some more fam and it was lovely. More good foods, and some very vulgar competitive card playing. I didn't take very many pictures, so I am sneaking these from Casie's twitter.

Aaaaaaand that's about it. I'm soooo exhausted from this winter break. Vacation? pfff

x effie

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